The animal body is comprised of a multitude of cells undergoing continuous growth, development, differentiation, regeneration, and apoptosis. Cells continuously self-renew through division. During cell division and growth, atomic nucleuses and electrons undergo constant high-speed movement, emitting electromagnetic waves.
The electromagnetic wave signals emitted by the animal body represent its specific state, varying under different conditions such as health, sub-health, and disease. Identifying these electromagnetic wave signals enables determining the body's status.
Quantum medicine posits that the fundamental cause of illness lies in changes to electron spin and orbit outside the atomic nucleus, leading to alterations in atoms, biomolecules, cells, and organs. As electrons are charged bodies, changes in their spin and orbit alter the emitted electromagnetic waves. The energy change in electromagnetic waves due to disease or nutritional changes is extremely weak, typically ranging from nano to microgauss. Quantum resonance testing involves comparing the weak magnetic field of hair directly or through a sensor with standard quantum spectra of diseases and nutrition indicators set in the instrument. The resulting quantum value indicates the nature and extent of disease and nutritional levels, resolved by clinicians. This process is akin to tuning a radio to listen to specific broadcasts amidst the many radio waves in the air.
What is Pet Scanner?
Pet Scanner integrates high-tech innovations from medicine, bioinformatics, electrical engineering, and other sciences. Based on quantum medicine theory, it utilizes advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of animal cells for scientific analysis. This analysis determines the animal's health status and main issues, offering standard prevention recommendations. Pet Scanner serves as an individualized health care guide for complete animal body analysis, promoting health science with advantages such as completeness, non-invasiveness, practicality, simplicity, speed, economy, and easy dissemination. As scientific research progresses, it promises to make significant contributions to animal health, with broad development and application prospects.
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Pet clinics
Companies producing or selling health products for pets